Billy Slater to retire from Origin

Billy Slater to retire from Origin

By Semi Turaga
Wednesday 30/05/2018
Billy Slater has announced he will join the rest of Queensland's 'Big Four' in retirement

Billy Slater has announced he will join the rest of Queensland's 'Big Four' in retirement at the end of this year's State of Origin series.

Slater, who has played 29 times for the Maroons, will follow fellow greats Johnathan Thurston, Cooper Cronk and Cameron Smith in bowing out of representative football.

The 34‑year‑old fullback isn't sure if he will continue playing in the NRL for the Melbourne Storm next year but "it just feels like time" to call an end to his Origin career.

Slater's looming departure confirms the end of an era for Queensland but he said his decision wasn't influenced by Thurston, Cronk or Smith opting to step away.

He made the bombshell retirement announcement ahead of the 2018 series opener in Melbourne next Wednesday at 10pm.

Source: AAP

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