Our challenge remains in connecting and providing digital services to those in isolated and maritime areas – PS for Communications

Our challenge remains in connecting and providing digital services to those in isolated and maritime areas – PS for Communications

By Alipate Narawa
Tuesday 20/06/2023
[Photo: Fiji Government]

Our challenge remains in connecting and providing digital services to those in isolated rural and maritime areas.

Permanent Secretary for Trade, Co-operatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications, Shaheen Ali stated this earlier today at the 23rd Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Policy and Regulatory Forum.

The Permanent Secretary says to address this challenge, numerous initiatives in the region have been implemented to improve connectivity.

He also says we are witnessing the expansion of submarine cable networks, the introduction of 4G and 5G cellular networks, and the affordability of low earth orbit satellite services, bypassing traditional fixed line and GSM/3G technologies.

Ali adds to effectively tackle these challenges, they must foster an environment of trust and collaboration between Governments, Regulators, the Private Sector, and Civil Society.

He further adds they need strong and clear digital and cybersecurity policies and regulations that protect critical infrastructure, promote innovation and the adoption of emerging technologies, and safeguards the rights and interests of individuals.

Ali says our collective security and prosperity rely on our ability to adapt, collaborate, and safeguard our digital ecosystems.

He further says we have countries that have successfully trialed new technologies and innovations and it is imperative that we share this knowledge to bridge the digital divide — not only within our countries — but amongst our countries as well.

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