Nadi takes on the drug battle

Nadi takes on the drug battle

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Saturday 25/05/2024
[Image: Drug Free World - Fiji]

Around 200 people from various churches, Turaga ni Yavusa, Turaga ni Koro, Women’s and Youth Groups turned up in numbers to be part of the drugs awareness campaign in Nadi, organised by the Fiji Council of Churches in Partnership with Drug-Free World Fiji.

The Fiji Council of Churches says Fiji being identified as the drug hub of the Pacific, and Nadi being the gateway to the international world, we need to change the landscape.

The Council says they are so inspired to hear the many plans to change the narratives by the landowners of Nadi.

They say this awareness is focused on empowering our youths and adults with factual information on drugs so they can make informed decisions and take ownership of their lives and communities.

A training session was conducted during the awareness where the Drug-Free World Fiji team shared and taught the audience the factual truth about drugs using booklets and films.

The organisers also shared the history of drugs in the country, and how Fiji became a cartel paradise and what issues and pressing concerns these poisonous drugs have raised in Fiji.

Click here for stories on the Drugs Situation in Fiji

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