Community participation vital for pilot recycling program - Deo

Community participation vital for pilot recycling program - Deo

By fijivillage
Wednesday 21/09/2022
WRFL Director and PRF Founder Mr. Amitesh Deo. [Image: Supplied]

Waste Recyclers Fiji Limited (WRFL) and Pacific Recycling Foundation (PRF) say now is the time to initiate a real change in the area of communal waste management with the launching of a proposed community-based pilot recycling program at Kabutri Drive in Koronivia, Nausori in October, 2022.

The program initiated by WRFL and PRF in partnership with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Nausori Town Council, Department of Environment and RC Manubhai, aims to empower residents of Kabutri Drive to take ownership and co-lead the program.

This will be achieved through fifteen Recycling on the Go Ambassadors from Kabutri Drive who will put up their hands to become recycling advocates, said WRFL Director and PRF Founder, Mr. Amitesh Deo.

“This will be a community led project, driven by ROG Ambassadors from various sections of the community. Our aim is to bring tangible change as about 98% of the residents in Kabutri Drive are currently disposing their recyclables through dumping, burying or burning as communal waste collection in this area is only done once a week,” said Mr. Deo.

Deo adds community-based ownership for this project is critical and this is why they are urging students, parents and guardians as well as senior citizens to get involved and join the cause.

The Pacific Recycling Foundation will provide comprehensive in-house training on recycling to the community-based ROG Ambassadors, which will empower them in their activism and leadership.

“We are already seeing great progress following the implementation of the Recycling on the Go program at Jai Narayan College where twenty-four students have become recycling advocates and the idea is same for Kabutri Drive,” said Mr. Deo.

Waste Recyclers Fiji and Pacific Recycling Foundation will install a special designed ‘I Recycle’ bin in the community in October.

Meanwhile, Minister for Local Government, Premila Kumar will officiate at a community meeting at Kabutri Drive, Koronivia on Wednesday, 21st September, 2022 where discussions will take place on the expectations and impact of this pilot project, and the participation needed from the community for its success. This meeting will also give residents an opportunity to raise issues, concerns or suggestions for the project.

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