Allan Lockington belongs in our pantheon of national heroes - Rabuka

Allan Lockington belongs in our pantheon of national heroes - Rabuka

By Alipate Narawa
Saturday 28/01/2023
Photo:Fiji Government

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka says Allan Lockington was an ordinary Fijian of modest disposition, but when he passed away on Monday, Fiji made it clear that he belonged in Fiji’s pantheon of national heroes.

In his eulogy for Lockington, Rabuka says there was a huge public outpouring of sorrow over his death, and thanksgiving and tributes for his tireless service to the poor and underprivileged.

He says he met Allan in May last year with his friends Professor Biman Prasad, now the Minister of Finance, and Ajay Amrit, as they toured the Western Division.

The Prime Minister adds he knew of Lockington’s untiring efforts to deliver sustenance and hope to those who lived close to the edge of society.

He further adds it appeared to them there was a compulsion within him to do everything he could to offer relief.

Rabuka understands from his family that even when he was growing up, Lockington had a strong sense of community and always tried to make a difference in the lives of others.

The Prime Minister says he was lifted by the smiles on the faces of those in need when he was able to give them assistance.

Rabuka says being with Lockington in this setting has helped them to see more clearly the depth and breadth of Fiji’s social challenges.

He further says the experience added to the knowledge they already had about poverty and social suffering.

The Prime Minister says they praise and honour heroes like Lockington, and his little band of workers, who are committed to doing this and they will strive to follow their example.

The Prime Minister says he can never personally match Lockington’s efforts to ease poverty as people like him are a special gift from God.

He also promised that their coalition government will do everything it can to continue Lockington’s feats of mercy and charity.

Rabuka promises that their government will remove threats to media freedom that have no place in a democracy.

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