Kishore Kumar Trial

Kishore Kumar Trial

By fijivillage
Saturday 02/03/2024
Kishore Kumar [Image: File]

Kishore Kumar is charged with allegedly making false claims on his Facebook page, Kishore Kumar Publications that there was a porn video of Qereqeretabua.

Kishore Kumar cannot be found for his own trial

By Karishma Kumari
Wednesday 28/02/2024
Former school teacher, Kishore Kumar.

DPP lawyer, Moira Konrote told the court today that the police officers are seeking time to execute the bench warrant against former school teacher, Kishore Kumar.

Kumar is charged with allegedly making false porn video claims on his facebook page, Kishore Kumar Publications against Lenora Qereqeretabua in 2020.

Kumar who is representing himself did not appear for his trial again.

The DPP lawyer submitted the report from the Corrections facility and stated that they seek time to investigate the matter.

The Investigating Officer says they searched for Kumar at all police stations, CWM Hospital and at his home however, Kumar cannot be found.

Magistrate Seini Puamau reminded the investigating officers to be careful when executing the bench warrant and to be clean and efficient.

She says if Kumar went and reported at the Valelevu Police Station yesterday, he could have certainly notified the court and produced his medical report.

Magistrate Puamau has extended the bench warrant and expects Kumar to be present for the trial tomorrow.

Bench warrant issued against Kishore Kumar

By Karishma Kumari
Tuesday 27/02/2024
Kishore Kumar [Image: File]

The bench warrant against Kishore Kumar has been extended until tomorrow as he did not appear for his trial today. DPP lawyer, Moira Konrote told the court that Kumar is not held in any remand centre.

She says he uploaded a post on his facebook page alleging that there was a break-in at his house, he was at the CWM Hospital and that he had filed a report at the Valelevu Police Station as well. Konrote says an investigating officer was sent to identify and a report was lodged by Kumar at around 12pm today.

Kumar is charged with allegedly making false porn video claims on his facebook page, Kishore Kumar Publications against Lenora Qereqeretabua in 2020.

Police have confirmed that there is a report by Kumar at Nasinu Police Station and an investigation is underway.

The trial will continue tomorrow.

Media urged to show compassion if Kumar’s son’s name is mentioned in court

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Tuesday 27/02/2024
[Image: File]

Magistrate Seini Puamau has urged the media to show compassion and leave Kishore Kumar's son's name out from publication if the State or the witness mention him during their court proceedings.

Kumar is charged with allegedly making false porn video claims on his facebook page, Kishore Kumar Publications against Lenora Qereqeretabua in 2020.

Before the court session yesterday afternoon, Kumar had asked the Magistrate if he can talk with the representatives of the Office of the DPP and the Magistrate alone regarding some of his concerns.

Magistrate Puamau says two matters transpired in the chambers, and the first was with respect to a portion of the evidence that is yet to unfold or yet to come out.

She says Kumar is worried that there will be a reference to his son.

She further says if there is a reference to his son, then Kumar does not want the media to publish the name of his son or to make reference to the son being involved in the narrative.

The Magistrate adds she would direct the media not to publish the name of the son because the evidence pertaining to the son has got nothing to do with proving the elements of the offence.

Magistrate Puamau told the media to gauge the evidence, and if they agree with the State and their assessment that the son's presence did not really move the case forward one way or the other, maybe they could be compassionate and leave him out.

She highlighted that she will talk about Kumar’s second concern today.

The case will continue later today.

Kumar posts video of himself outside court and questions the credibility of the evidence

By Vijay Narayan
Monday 26/02/2024
Source : Kishore Kumar ( Facebook)

Former school teacher, Kishore Kumar who is standing trial for charges of making false porn video claims on his facebook page, Kishore Kumar Publications against Lenora Qereqeretabua in 2020, is again posting videos regarding the case outside the courthouse.

Kumar posted a video of himself outside court and is seen questioning the credibility of the evidence.

He was warned last week by Magistrate Seini Puamau not to post videos during the case.

We have sent questions to the Office of the DPP. They are yet to respond.

Kishore Kumar says the prosecution should stick to the charges

By Karishma Kumari
Monday 26/02/2024
Former school teacher, Kishore Kumar

Former school teacher, Kishore Kumar has told the court that the prosecution should stick to the charges against him and not to go into emotional ways as the court works on evidence and facts.

Kumar is charged with allegedly making false porn video claims on his facebook page, Kishore Kumar Publications against Qereqeretabua in 2020.

He says the media is posting on emotional things and the people outside are swearing at him.

Kumar who is representing himself says after thoroughly reading the disclosures and based on the information he received he can see that there is some hidden agenda.

He says therefore at times he will be asking the media not be present however he will talk to the DPP lawyers first and if they agree with him, then the media can stay but if they try to personalise it, then the media cannot be present.

He says he believes in media freedom but not on a personalised agenda.

Magistrate Seini Puamau says she will make a decision on whether the media is to be present or not but what Kumar can do is if he wants to make an application for the removal of the media, then he can do so.

Meanwhile, a Vodafone Liaison Officer who was produced as a prosecution witness told the court that he was given a mobile number by police to provide the ownership details and the incoming and outgoing calls.

He says the ownership details of the number were that it was registered under the name Kishore Kumar.

The witness says the ID used to register the sim card was a voter ID.

Kava says videos of Kumar making allegations against Qereqeretabua impacted her reputation

By Karishma Kumari
Sunday 25/02/2024
Assistant Minister for Local Government, Lenora Qereqeretabua and former school teacher, Kishore Kumar

Prosecution witness, Dylan Siliusi Kava has revealed in court that the videos done by Kishore Kumar making allegations against Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs, Lenora Qereqeretabua impacted her reputation.

Kumar is charged with allegedly making false claims on his facebook page, Kishore Kumar Publications regarding a porn video of Qereqeretabua in 2020.

Kava told the court that in 2020, there were several videos posted against Qereqeretabua on facebook by Kishore Kumar Publications.

He says the links to the videos were also sent to Qereqeretabua’s account as well.

Kava says he told the Assistant Minster about it who told them not to respond to anything.

However, they kept monitoring the page.

The witness says the content of the video was Kumar saying that he had seen Qereqeretabua's alleged porn video, referring to her as a porn Member of Parliament and the party as a porn party.

He says it was the time when Qereqeretabua had just entered parliament, and when she was making fiery statements in parliament.

Kava says whenever they went to communities for meetings or in town, people would question Qereqeretabua about the video, whether it was true or if there was a video.

He says Qereqerertabua would react to it and rightfully say no, there was no video.

Kava says Qereqeretabua later reported the matter to police when he was in the United States.

However, he helped her by providing screenshots of posts on the Kishore Kumar Publications page and provided it to the police on Qereqeretabua's request.

He says the videos had many reactions and shares and Qreqeretabua's parents would also ask about the video.

Kava says the videos were also shared on Fiji chats and other accounts.

The trial continues tomorrow.

Qereqeretabua says all allegations made by Kishore Kumar is a lie

By Karishma Kumari
Tuesday 20/02/2024
Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Lenora Qereqeretabua and former school teacher, Kishore Kumar

Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Lenora Qereqeretabua says former school teacher Kishore Kumar was just putting unwanted attention and spotlight on her as a Member of Parliament.

Kumar is charged with allegedly making false claims on his facebook page, Kishore Kumar Publications regarding a porn video of Qereqeretabua in 2020.

While giving evidence in court, Qereqeretabua says the video is disturbing as he is attacking any woman without any proof.

The prosecution presented six videos of Kumar in court making such allegations against Qereqeretabua where he alleges that she was a porn star, accusing her of engaging in explicit acts.

Qereqeretabua says all allegations made by Kumar is a lie.

While expressing her anger and frustration, Qereqeretabua said from the witness box that she had been waiting for this day as she is standing not only for herself but for everyone who is bullied like this, and who end up committing serious acts.

She says Kumar was charged but he did not have the courage to apologise to her directly and rather go to the media.

Kumar who is representing himself told Magistrate Seini Puamau that he would like to cross-examine Qereqeretabua.

He said from the accused box that the video was done by Artificial Intelligence.

He also says that he was given the video to convert it into MP3. Magistrate Puamau told Kumar that he will get his time to cross-examine Qereqeretabua after the prosecution completes it’s questioning.

The trial will continue today.

Qereqeretabua says allegations made by Kumar against her impacted her emotionally

By Karishma Kumari
Monday 19/02/2024
Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Lenora Qereqeretabua and former school teacher, Kishore Kumar

Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Lenora Qereqeretabua has today revealed in court that the allegations made by former school teacher, Kishore Kumar, impacted her emotionally and also affected her reputation.

Kumar is charged with allegedly making false claims on his Facebook page, Kishore Kumar Publications that there was a porn video of Qereqeretabua.

While giving evidence in the trial, Qereqeretabua said it was infuriating as Kumar’s allegations resulted in many comments, reactions, and shares on the post.

Qereqeretabua says she had to consider if the video was a political threat to her reputation or to the women who wanted to be in parliament in future.

She further says this also impacted her as her daughter had just gotten married.

Qereqeretabua says this affected her husband and her parents who are in their 80s, and the media and the public were questioning her about it.

She says she also felt embarrassed and angry and filed a complaint with the police as well.

She further says after Kumar was suspended as a teacher, he then was on the front page of the Fiji Times apologising, and went to Fiji TV asking for airtime to apologise.

The Assistant Minister says the principal of the school also called her and informed her that Kumar had requested the principal to accompany him to apologise to her.

However, she had refused to see them as the matter was before the courts.

She further says this makes it hard for women to be in office and parliament.

Qereqeretabua says even after the National Budget in July, Kishore uploaded videos and statements threatening her, however, he failed to provide any evidence.

She says she also had to disclose the matter to her husband and the church leader as this was not about her but the circle she was in as well.

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