Two men charged with obtaining money by deception

Two men charged with obtaining money by deception

By Karishma Kumari
Monday 27/05/2024
Photo : File

Two men from Nadi have been charged with Obtaining Financial Advantage by Deception.

The Fiji Police MPaisa Task Force says a 24-year-old man from Nadi has been charged with two counts of Obtaining Financial Advantage by Deception.

They say it is alleged that the accused on the 8th of July 2023, dishonestly obtained $1000 on two different occasions.

The MPaisa Task Force says the accused allegedly posted an online advertisement regarding an investment opportunity where the victim sent $600 to the number provided and sent another $400 on the same number the following day, expecting to receive her profit.

The Task Force says when it did not eventuate, she then reported the matter to the mobile company, the money was withheld, and the matter was reported to the Police.

He will appear in the Nadi Magistrates Court today.

They further say in another case, a 37-year-old man from Solovi, Nadi has been charged with allegedly dishonestly obtaining $3,520 from a money exchange teller in Labasa.

It is alleged that on the 6th of September 2023, the accused called the victim under the pretext that he was a mobile company agent, instructing her to set up the MPaisa Eftpos and E-ticketing machine and after a while, she noticed the money being transferred and deposited to a mobile number from the machine without her knowledge.

The accused later withdrew $2,000 in Namaka and sent the rest to a friend, who withdrew the balance of $1,520 and gave the money to him.

The accused has been charged with one count of Obtaining Financial Advantage by Deception and will appear in the Nadi Magistrates Court today.

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