Some drug users are raping their mothers and sisters – ACP Ganivatu
Man raped woman on village church pulpit

Some drug users are raping their mothers and sisters – ACP Ganivatu

Man raped woman on village church pulpit

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Wednesday 22/05/2024
Assistant Commissioner of Police Internal Affairs and Professional Standards, Sakeo Ganivatu.

Serious concerns continue to be raised on the impact drug use has on the lives of youths in the country, with some committing heinous crimes such as raping their mothers and sisters.

While highlighting the impact of drugs on the lives of youths in the country at a Methodist Church Youth camp in Lautoka, Assistant Commissioner of Police Internal Affairs and Professional Standards, Sakeo Ganivatu says meth is turning Fiji from a tropical paradise into a narcissist playground.

He says when people use drugs, they will not think clearly.

ACP Ganivatu highlighted a few incidents where a man raped his sister when he was high on marijuana, and another child raped his mother while he was high on marijuana and thinking about his girlfriend who was in Taveuni.

He says the use of drugs blocks our memory nerves, making the user forget about who or how their loved ones or family look like.

The Assistant Commissioner also revealed a case that occurred in his village where a man who came back from smoking marijuana had abducted a woman and raped her on the village church pulpit.

He says such actions should not be condoned.

ACP Ganivatu says nowadays, children as young as 8, 9 or 10 years old are being used to peddle drugs, and this should be a wake-up call to parents.

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