Selfish idea for the parliament to allow salary and benefit increases for the few MPs - Jale Samuwai

Selfish idea for the parliament to allow salary and benefit increases for the few MPs - Jale Samuwai

By Iliana Biutu
Monday 27/05/2024

It is a selfish idea for the parliament to allow salary and benefit increases for Members of Parliament.

This was highlighted by Sawakasa 2 village headman Jale Samuwai while speaking to fijivillage News about the current parliamentarians’ salary increase chaos.

Samuwai says these parliamentarians only think of themselves and they are not considering those who are living under the poverty line.

He says more assistance should be given to the elderly in the villages.

Samuwai further says during the election campaign, these parties always talked about the importance of consultations with the public and now when they are in government, they are only thinking of themselves.

Another Youth Advocate and Human Rights Activist, Avenai Serutabua says the MPs that have voted for their pay increase have chosen to prioritize their pay raises over the needs of the very people they were elected to serve.

Serutabua says the decision to prioritize personal gain over public service is a slap in the face to every citizen who entrusted them with their vote.

He says as our representatives in the highest court of the land, they should be champions of the people, not beneficiaries of our hard-earned money.

He further says instead of squandering resources on unjustifiable pay raises, imagine the impact the money could have if invested in initiatives that empower the youth and create much-needed employment opportunities.

Serutabua says it is time for our leaders to remember their duty to the nation and start serving the people with integrity and humility.

He adds the decision to allocate $8.1 million towards increasing parliamentary pay is not only tone-deaf but also a missed opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of our citizens.

Serutabua adds we need accountability, transparency, and a genuine commitment to the betterment of Fiji.

He is urging our parliamentary representatives to reconsider their priorities and remember the sacred trust placed upon them by the people.

Meanwhile, the Turaga ni Koro of Viseisei Village in Vuda, Inoke Momoedonu says the majority of the people in Fiji are struggling to provide the best for their family and yet members of the parliament want their pay to increase.

Momoedonu says a lot of infrastructure development is required from many villages from many years ago and the government cannot assist those vulnerable communities. He says the government should first consider the need to increase the minimum wages and salaries of civil servants because they are the ones who are doing the work on the ground.

Click here for more stories on the Ministers and MPs Salary Increase Issue

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