Rabuka says $8.1 million is the impact of the salary increase

Rabuka says $8.1 million is the impact of the salary increase

By Mikaele Liga
Sunday 26/05/2024
Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka says when we take the salary increases approved in parliament in proper perspective, it is $8.1 million and that is the impact of this increase.

Rabuka says at the beginning of the school year last year, the Government spent $44 million for back-to-school and then another $42 million this year for back-to-school education for the children of Fiji.

He says they gave money to farmers for rent relief and he is sure most of those farmers did not vote for him.

Rabuka says they committed a lot of money to the increase in rice prices and a lot of those rice farmers did not vote for him either.

He told fijivillage News that this shows to the people that the Government is working for the people.

Rabuka adds he reminds himself of his oath of office which is to look after the welfare of all Fijians.

He says he understands and expects some members of the public to be frustrated and he knows people are struggling, including those that voted for them, and says they are going through the normal process of handling things in Parliament.

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