Over 90 teams taking part in Southern Zone Secondary Schools Rugby

Over 90 teams taking part in Southern Zone Secondary Schools Rugby

By Alipate Narawa
Monday 19/06/2023
[Image: File Photo]

Over 90 teams are taking part across all grades in the Vodafone Southern Zone Secondary Schools Rugby as they prepare for the Deans Finals later this year.

Fiji Secondary Schools Rugby Union executive Biu Colati says they are a bit stretched at the moment with the unavailability of grounds, shortage of officials as this is the biggest number of teams they have ever had.

Colati also says with the increase in the number of teams they are currently stretching everything from resources, referees, and officials.

He further says they have some strategies that will need to be put into place as well as consultation with stakeholders and committees to make it happen.

The executive says the Southern Zone games are being played at the Marist Brothers High School ground, Gospel High School, Veiuto and at the Ministry of Lands ground in Nasese.

The Western Zones are being played at Lawaqa Park, Ratu Navula College ground, Ba Methodist ground and Vatukaloko ground.

The Macuata Zone games are all held at the All Saints Secondary ground, Bua Zone is being played at the Solevu School ground while the Taveuni Zone is being held at the Bucalevu School ground.

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