Hindi and Vosa Vakaviti will be taught in all primary schools – Singh

Hindi and Vosa Vakaviti will be taught in all primary schools – Singh

By Rashika Kumar
Sunday 26/05/2024

Minister for Employment Agni Deo Singh says Hindi and Vosa Vakaviti languages will be taught in all primary schools, and it may take a bit of time as teachers need to be trained and be in schools.

Singh highlighted this while speaking during the 2024 Arya Convention and 107th Annual General Meeting in Ba, where the theme was celebrating 150 years of Arya Samaj through promoting Vedic Values.

While speaking in Hindi and stressing the importance of speaking our vernacular languages, Singh says the day we lose our language, we will lose our culture and identity.

He commended the Sabha for promoting the Hindi language.

The Minister says it is our responsibility to take the teachings of our ancestors and pass them on to the next generation.

Singh further says we all need to work together to solve our social problems where they are seeing an increase in substance abuse, and people for their benefit, are targeting students in primary and secondary schools and getting them addicted.

Singh says if we want to have an educated society, we need to find a solution to the problem of drugs and substance abuse.

The Minister says parents and society need to work together as the government cannot do it on their own. He says the Sabha can do a lot in this regard, and it is important to highlight this in schools.

Meanwhile, Singh also says the heads of schools will be appointed in consultation with the school management, and announcements are expected in the 2024/2025 National Budget.

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