Grammar 2000s decade hosts the biggest ever kava barrel in Fiji
Reps of 7 decades visit Parliament as a way to celebrate the diverse and inclusive legacy of Grammar

Grammar 2000s decade hosts the biggest ever kava barrel in Fiji

Reps of 7 decades visit Parliament as a way to celebrate the diverse and inclusive legacy of Grammar

By Vijay Narayan
Friday 24/05/2024

The Suva Grammar School 2000 decade members hosted the biggest ever kava barrel in Fiji with over 700 people in attendance last night as part of Grammar 60th + 4 Jubilee Celebrations at the school.


2000 decade representative, Leone Qalubau says they made a profit of $11,000.

The money raised from the decade nights will be handled by the decades for school projects in consultation with the main Suva Grammar School Ex-Students Association.

Qalubau says they would like to to thank ex scholars from the various decades, the 70s, 80s and 90s who turned up to support the 2000s kava barrel last night, as well as the millennials who came to show strong support for their decades.

Association President, Stanley Simpson says there is also a representation from the 7 decades that will be visiting Parliament today as a way to celebrate the diverse and inclusive legacy of Suva Grammar School.

Simpson says the significance of the Grammarian visit to Parliament highlights the crucial role of both governance and education in building a better Fiji.

He says Parliament represents the democratic foundation of our nation, where policies are crafted and decisions are made for the common good.

Simpson says education, on the other hand, empowers individuals with knowledge and skills, fostering a generation capable of driving positive change.

The Association believes that together, they are pillars of our society, ensuring progress, unity, and a brighter future for all Fijians.

Meanwhile there will be a Lighthouse at Coconut Island Party at the Suva Bowling Club from 6pm to 12 midnight.

The Grammar Diamond Jubilee Ball will be held at the Vodafone Arena from 6pm tomorrow.

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