Gleam of hope for dairy farmers in Naitasiri as road works start

Gleam of hope for dairy farmers in Naitasiri as road works start

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Saturday 25/05/2024
[Image: Ministry of Agriculture]

Great news for 34 dairy farms in Naitasiri, as carting milk cans on their backs and wheelbarrows to the roadside will soon become a thing of the past as road works have started in the Lutu dairy area.

The Agriculture Ministry says the first phase has been made possible under the Dairy Extension Program of the Ministry and the Fiji Cooperative Dairy Company Limited has also facilitated works under their Dairy Development Government Grant and will work with the Ministry to provide support throughout the whole exercise.

The Ministry says the impact of this assistance will surely improve milk quality, improve transportation and also farm efficiency in terms of operation and productivity.

They say farms chosen to receive the assistance were prioritised to dairy farms that are in dire need of road improvement works.

They add the upgrading of roads is underway, and it is also expected that the remaining dairy farm roads will be covered within the next two to three weeks.

The Ministry is working around the clock to ensure that dairy farms will continue to thrive and contribute positively to the industry.

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