FCCC warns of huge fines for traders who hide fuel products and refuse to sell them

FCCC warns of huge fines for traders who hide fuel products and refuse to sell them

By Pratika Mala
Sunday 14/07/2019

Traders who hide away fuel products and refuse to sell them will be charged and face fines of up to $50,000.

This is the stern warning issued by Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission as prices of unleaded petrol, premix, kerosene, diesel and LPG products were reviewed and new prices was determined by the Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission.

The new prices come into effect tomorrow.

The price of motor spirit will increase from $2 to $2.18 per litre and the price of premix will increase from $1.84 to $2.02 per litre. The kerosene price will increase from $1.54 to $1.62 per litre.

The price of diesel will increase from $1.82 to $1.89 per litre.

There are also increases in LPG prices.

The price of a 4.5kg cylinder increase from $12.89 to $13.46 while the price of a 12kg cylinder increases from $34.37 to $35.89.

It has also been announced that the price of a 13kg cylinder will increase $37.23 to $38.88 while the bulk price increases from $2.41 per kg to $2.52 per kg.

The price of Auto Gas per litre increases from $1.62 to $1.69.

Acting CEO, Senikavika Jiuta says teams will be out monitoring the situation and looking for traders who attempt to hide away fuel products to sell them at higher prices for profit.

Jiuta adds such acts are not ethical or legal practice and businesses must also ensure that they respect their customers and the law by doing what is right.

Section 87 of the FCCC Act 2010 states that a person who is in possession of goods for mercantile purposes must not destroy or hoard the goods or refuse to sell the goods or make them available for sale if the destruction, hoarding or refusal is done to charge a price higher than the price it is normally sold at a time convenient to the person or immediately before the higher price is fixed.

Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission is urging consumers to call on 8921991 to report any traders not supplying fuel products such as cooking gas, kerosene or other fuels in a suspicious manner.


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