Dr Samisoni was well-known for her generosity and spirit – Ro Teimumu

Dr Samisoni was well-known for her generosity and spirit – Ro Teimumu

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Friday 18/08/2023
Ro Teimumu Kepa delivering the eulogy on behalf of friends at the funeral service earlier today

Hundreds of people from all walks of life turned up at the Centenary Church in Suva to farewell one of the most successful businesswomen in Fiji and founder of Hot Bread Kitchen, the late Dr Mere Samisoni.

Dr Samisoni passed away last Friday after a short illness.

Speaking during her eulogy, the paramount chief of the Burebasaga confederacy, Na Marama Bale Na Roko Tui Dreketi Ro Teimumu Kepa said Dr Samisoni was well known to the SODELPA Party for her generosity and spirit.

She was a member of various committees, including the Finance Committee and Working Committee, and was a staunch member of the Women's Forum where she was one of their representatives on the Management Board up until her untimely demise.

Ro Teimumu says she knew Dr Samisoni from her school days in Levuka when her parents were living in Vagadaci, after which she and her went their separate ways to do other things before joining the SDL Party and serving under the leadership of Laisenia Qarase.

She adds when the SDL morphed into the SODELPA Party in 2014, they both re-entered politics and became members of the Opposition.

Ro Teimumu says Dr Samisoni has been an inspiration to many.

Speaking on behalf of the family, Dr Samisoni’s grand-daughter Hanisi Hodge talked about how her grandmother loved shopping and saving which has taught her many lessons.

She says her grandmother would return any items she bought from a shop if she saw that another shop had a lesser price.

Hodge says she did not understand why her grandmother was that way but when it happened to her she understood the importance of saving.

She also highlighted that the life of her grandmother inspired a lot of people and her legacy will live on.

Pastor Joseph Mudaliar says Dr Samisoni assisted a lot of people and personally for him, she was the one that gave him his first job.

He says Fiji has lost one of its greatest people after the passing of Dr Samisoni.

Vude Queen Laisa Vulakoro did a special number at church to remember the life of Dr Samisoni.

Dr Samisoni was cremated at the Nakasi Crematorium.

Dr Samisoni was born on July 22nd 1938, and she was the second youngest daughter of Ratu Keni Naulumatua, who held the title of Turaga na Rasau, of Lomaloma Village, Vanuabalavu in Lau and Mere Tuisalalo Fonolahi.

Dr Samisoni grew up in Levuka, Ovalau.

She was a former nurse and was the first-ever Fijian to be admitted to the Royal College of Nursing Australia.

In the business world, Dr. Samisoni created The Hot Bread Kitchen chain of bakeries, the Pacific’s most successful indigenous-owned bakery chain.

She was also a Member of Parliament, a Justice of the Peace, and a Doctor of Business Administration.

Dr. Mere Samisoni was an advocate for women’s empowerment and indigenous empowerment through business.

She was named Fiji’s Business Woman of the Year multiple times, the most recent was 2015.

She was married to the late Dr. Jimione Isimeli Samisoni, the former dean of the Fiji School of Medicine.

Together they had four children: John Leslie Samisoni, Director Sole Fiji; Selina Samisoni Hodge Duff; Vanessa Charters, Managing Director The Hot Bread Kitchen and Samisoni Enterprises Ltd; Philip Samisoni, Chairman Corporate Management Services Ltd.

She had twelve grandchildren.

Her grandchildren: Hanisi Hodge, marketing consultant; Jack Charters, Ticketing Manager, London UK; Coco Charters, student, Nottingham University, UK; Leilani Charters, student (she will have just received her A-Level results the night before); Lucky Charters, student; Kalani Wakeham, engineering student, USP, and surfing champion; Kayla Wakeham, student; Malia Tuqa Samisoni, student, Matteo Tuqa Samisoni, student; Zack Kubuabola Samisoni, student; Debbie Kubuabola Samisoni, student.

Dr. Mere was arrested by the previous government and charged with inciting political violence, a case which she won in a nolle prosequi.

Attending the Thanksgiving Service today was Deputy Prime Minister and SODELPA Leader Viliame Gavoka, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Lenora Qereqeretabua, Minister for Education Aseri Radrodro, Acting DPP Ratu David Toganivalu, former President and Speaker of Parliament Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, families and friends.

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