All five people on Titan sub dead after 'catastrophic implosion'

All five people on Titan sub dead after 'catastrophic implosion'

By Alipate Narawa
Friday 23/06/2023
Photo:Belfast Telegraph

The US Coast Guard says all five passengers on board the Titan submersible have died. Rear Admiral Mauger confirmed that parts of the Titan were found approximately 1600ft from the bow of the Titanic wreck adding the debris found was consistent with a "catastrophic implosion.”

The rear admiral further says he cannot confirm whether the bodies can be recovered, saying it is an "incredibly unforgiving environment."

Offering the Coast Guard's deepest condolences to the families, the rear admiral adds he can only imagine what this has been like for them.

Earlier, the vessel operator OceanGate had said their hearts are with these five souls and every member of their families during this tragic time.

Source: BBC

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