Adi Cakobau School’s 70th Anniversary week long celebrations underway

Adi Cakobau School’s 70th Anniversary week long celebrations underway

By Lena Reece
Wednesday 03/10/2018
Former President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau officiated at the launching of Adi Cakobau School’s 70th Anniversary week long celebrations [Photo: Talanoa Pasifik]

October 1948 saw the birth of an institution that was run solely to develop women who would later give back, contribute and be useful members of society.

This was highlighted by Former President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau who officiated at the launching of Adi Cakobau School’s 70th Anniversary week long celebrations.

Students, old girls, teachers and parents of Adi Cakobau School were present at the school to begin the week long anniversary celebrations beginning with the launch of a book based on the life of the school’s first principal Frances Lillian Charlton.

Adi Cakobau School old girls watching the celebrations [Photo: Talanoa Pasifik]

ACS Old Girls Events Chairperson Adii Lusi Madraiwiwi says they are lucky to also have some of the pioneering students of the school still around to be part of the celebrations.

Madraiwiwi says with the institution and alumni are focused on giving back to the community in particular to empower young people and women.

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