AG says they now fully support FICAC
This is the Govt that wanted to abolish FICAC – Bulitavu

AG says they now fully support FICAC

This is the Govt that wanted to abolish FICAC – Bulitavu

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Friday 24/05/2024
Attorney General Siromi Turaga and Opposition MP, Mosese Bulitavu ( Source : Parliament of the Republic of Fiji )

Attorney General Siromi Turaga says at one point, their side of the House in parliament had some issues about FICAC because it was promulgated when there was no parliament sitting and no wider consultation was done in 2007.

He says today, they fully support the work of FICAC.

Turaga also highlighted that since 2018, there had been no salary increment for the staff of FICAC and this was a concern, however, the situation saw a positive change when the new Acting Deputy Commissioner assumed her role in 2023.

While making his ministerial statement, Turaga says corruption in any form undermines the rule of law, disturbs economic growth and erodes public trust and he is calling on all Parliamentarians to unite to fight corruption.

Turaga says combating corruption is a complex issue and often requires a multi-faceted approach.

He says a key strategy to preventing corruption is strengthening anti-corruption laws and in enacting and re-enforcing anti-corruption laws to deter corruption activities.

He adds the most prevalent form of corruption amongst public officials have been identified as causing a loss and abuse of office.

The Attorney General claims that the previous government often had a hand in the running of FICAC and this should never happen.

While responding to the Attorney General, Opposition MP, Mosese Bulitavu says he remembers during the election campaign, this very government wanted to abolish FICAC.

Bulitavu says they acknowledge that the Attorney General has opened his eyes today in regards to FICAC.

He says the Attorney General should practice what he preaches as it is public knowledge that he is under investigation by FICAC.

Bulitavu also says if he was the Attorney General, he would step down from his position and wait for the investigation to be over.

The Opposition MP says corruption is everywhere and any government that comes in will be blamed by any Opposition that a particular government will try to weaponise this institution.

Bulitavu says he hopes that the Government will not weaponise this institution and let it grow so that we eradicate corruption from the country.

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